Companion program

The smuggler must

September, 2024
Water Tower

Free entry

Mate Bekavac, clarinet

Aljaž Beguš, clarinet

Lara Korenjak, clarinet

Peter Prohart, accordion

Kristjan Štelcer, guitar

Nejc Merc, bass trumpet

Janez Krevel, double bass

Occasional outdoor concert


When loudspeakers did not reign in the gardens of pubs, the house band of musicians with garlands of popular tunes made sure that the guests relaxed and felt comfortable. It was the pride of every better guest house. In the musical capital closest to us, in Vienna, we can still catch glimpses of this relaxed party among the tables of the popular Grinzing district and in country inns that give something of themselves. The infectious energy of live music and musicians who dazzle with their virtuosity, while also entertaining guests with jokes and anecdotes. Couples spontaneously twirl to a polka or a waltz, and everyone is enlivened by the noble aromas of selected local wine, with which many people celebrate personal anniversaries and successes, holidays, a good wine harvest, etc. This is life!

Can Maribor also offer such an atmosphere? Of course! Do not miss the occasional concert of the Festival Maribor, with which Mate Bekavac and his virtuoso musical companions will surprise the guests of the wine shop in the Water Tower with a garland of light melodies. And the renovated Lenta promenade will reach all the way to Vienna in no time!